Gaze at
Group of Artists
16 Feb 2024 - 27 Feb 2024
Gaze at!
We have been living in a dissociated and disoriented world for such long a time now. Apart from the historical discontinuity, issues such as political and economic principles, cultural and social relations, as well as today's technology have escalated such fragmentation, depriving us from attentiveness and analysis. This is how we move forward through a chaotic world with a disturbed mind, not being able to distinguish our dreams from our nightmares. From roaming on social media to walking throughout the city, all are associated with unrelated challenges, elevating the disruption of our minds. Perhaps we might compromise with such a maze; games within games. It is as if the current ambiguity and confusion have resulted from our lives and the world we have created, yet we do not seem to bear it ourselves. Everything seems to have a place, but nothing seems to be in the right place.
Zarvan Rohbakhshan, February, 2024